Prayer During Suffering

This will be a short and sweet one, but I feel like many of us tend to not pray while we are suffering when it is a very important thing to do when we are in a time of suffering.

First, looking at praying for others. Whether it is praying for your children, family, friends, or whoever we many times pray that God will protect them from suffering. We do not want to pray that God will spare them from suffer and pain because it is a part of life as a follower of Christ. We should instead pray that they will rely on God in times of suffering and grow because of the suffering.

When we pray during suffering, whether for ourselves or others, we must remember the truths we know about God and have our prayers revolve around these truths, not the unknown.  Our prayers should be like Jesus’ asking for healing and deliverance AND to relinquish our own will to God’s will. Many times we think it is wrong to ask God to take us out of suffering, but that is okay. We can ask God to deliver us from suffering, but according to His will. Part of this is to also remember that God’s answer may not always be yes. Jesus prayed to God in Mark 14:36 asking God to “Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will”. He asks God to take him out of the suffering he knew he was about to face, but God’s answer was no. This no lead to Jesus dying on the cross and saving us all. Even when the answer is no good things come out of it.

Therefore, when we pray do not pray to never face hard times. These hard times help build us to be strong Christians. We do not need to fear the hard times that are coming, but must remember the truths we know about who God is. God loves to here from us even when it is crying out for help, but we also must remember to pray for God’s will to be done, even when the answer is no.

How We Should Suffer

So far we have looked at who we are, why we suffer, and now we will look at how we should act in suffering.

Many times when we are going through a hard time we want to pull away from people  and from God. We think we are the only one who has ever gone through this specific kind of suffering; we think we are unique. This is exactly what God does not want us to do. As I talked about in the last post, we may be called individually, but then we join a family of believers. In times of suffering we need to lean on our family of believers and remember that we are not the only one to ever go through what we are going through. Others have gone through similar situations and because of this we are able to help one another.

We also need to remember things about God when we are going through suffering. We must remember that God uses everything for His glory. We need to be of good courage in our suffering because we must remember that heaven is coming and God’s promise of eternal life. With the fact that we have been given eternal life we should count everything except Christ as loss. This can help us get through suffering when we focus our minds on the right things. Thinking about the right things (God, eternal life, God’s word) we then will have the right desires in our hearts which will lead to the right actions.

Having the right actions as a part of that means being active during suffering. Even during suffering we should be pursuing God and growing closer to Him. Our lives should be fully submitted to God, even when we do not understand why things are happening. We have to accept these things as a part of God’s plan, but that does not mean that we cannot still cry out to God for help. We must not fall into sin during suffering, as that can sometimes be the easy way out. As believers, we are God’s light to those who do not believe and when you are willing to suffer without striking back, joyfully, and rejoicing people are going to notice and wonder.

When we are actively preparing ourselves for suffering (because we know it will come) instead of fearing suffering we will be able to face suffering in a way that will glorify God. By digging into God’s word and having the right thinking our desires will then line up. When we have the right desires we will do the correct actions, whether we are in suffering or not, glorifying God.

Why We Suffer

The second thing I would like to look at from what I have learned this past month is the question of why do we suffer.

As followers of Christ we are not promised that we will never experience any hardships or suffering. The exact opposite is promised to us; God says we will face trials of many kinds. These different trials help show us many things about ourselves, our faith, those around us, and God.

Looking at ourselves going through suffering can reveal sin in our lives. By revealing the sin in our lives God uses that to help us become more like Christ and fix our focus more and more on heaven than the world around us. Suffering also teaches us how to rule righteously instead of being selfish and spoiled. We also through this learn how to face adversity in a Godly manner.

Suffering also grows our faith and relationship with God. Through suffering we can see how true and strong our faith is. We have to trust God during suffering and believe that whatever we are going through is a part of His plan. Suffering also allows our faith to grow by showing more about God’s grace, mercy, and goodness. By going through hard times we are able to learn about these characteristics of God and many of His other great qualities.

Finally, when we suffer that shows things about God to those around us. We are able to bear witness to others and allow God’s glory to be shown through suffering. One of the greatest sufferings for a Christian is martyrdom. Through martyrdom, and any other kind of suffering, others eyes are open to the truth in God’s word. Also, when believers face suffering without fear Satan’s power is defeated and others are able to see God prevail.

Suffering is tempting and hard, but God never promised us an easy life. When we face times of suffering we must remember why we suffer: how we personally can grow, what it shows us about God, and how others are able to see God’s glory through our suffering.


Who We Are

Throughout the upcoming year I will be doing some research and studying on different topics that my supervisor has come up with. As a way for me to collect all of the things I am learning through this research I will be typing up some blogs.

The first topic I looked at was the theology of suffering. I read many articles, listened to many talks/sermons, and read a book on suffering and temptation. I first would like to talk about who we are as believers because a lot focused on this as well when talking about suffering.

Some of the talks I listened to were from this past years Gospel Collation Conference. During these talks they went through 1 Peter. In 1 Peter, Paul talks about how we are elect exile (1 Peter 1:1).We are exiled because this world is not fully our home, we are sojourners on this Earth, and we are elect because we have been chosen by God, we are His beloved children. Paul also talks about how we are living stones just like Jesus (1 Peter 2:4-5). As living stones we are being built into God’s house with Jesus as the cornerstone. Since Jesus is our cornerstone we need to remember that we are built on a firm foundation.

Finally, another thing about who we are that stood out to me is that we are individually called, but once we accept that call we are apart of a larger body of believers. God chooses each one of us individually to be His followers, but we then are to work together as one with the same purpose, goal, and identity.

This is only a small glimpse into who we are as followers of Christ, but some of the key things the talks from the Gospel Collation Conference covered by looking at 1 Peter.

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” 1 Peter 2:9

Half a Year Gone By

Today marks six months of living in Costa Rica. This morning I reflected some of my first six months here in Costa Rica and I thought I would share with you guys what I wrote in my journal this morning.

I cannot believe that I have been in Costa Rica for six months!! In some ways it feels like I have been living here my whole life and other days as if I had just moved here yesterday. In general though it feels like my whole life as I am loving life here. There are days when it is lonely and I wish I could just get in my car and drive to my friends house. There are days when I get extra annoyed with the car that honked at me, or the guys who yelled as they went by, or just the stares in general as I am walking around. Through all of these though, the feeling of home has won more often than not. There is just a peace about here that I have been given.

With teammates, they feel like family. When they are gone I miss them. I especially do not know what I would do without them. This place would really not feel like home if it was not for them. Jon and Maggie having me over for dinner every week has made them, along with their house, feel like home and family.

Then the students. So many of them have welcomed me with open arms and have made the transition to doing ministry here so much easier. I am suppose to be the one loving on them and making them feel welcomed at youth group, but they have done that for me.

Now as welcomed and loved as I have felt of course there have been plenty of nights of loneliness and missing people. Plenty of tears shed for missing friends and family. Yes my parents are here now, but it is a new kid of feeling. I am used to them being three hours away or living in the same house. Being about a 15 minute drive away from them, but having to plan in advance when they can come get me is taking some getting used to. They are also going through their own adjustments, so it has a different feel at times, but I am so greatful that they are here.

Overall God has taught me a lot since being here and has stretched and grown me. He has taught me the impoartance of digging into His Word. I quickly saw how easily Satan can take over the desire to be reading the Bible as for about a month I did not care to be having quiet times.

God also continued to show me the need for community wherever I may be. At first when I would get done with a week of language school and a late night at youth group I did not feel like adventuring out again the next morning for church. Now that I have found a church to attend it has reminded me of our need to come together and worship our amazing Lord. I may still not be as connected with individuals at the church, but God has reminded me of our need for community.

My knowledge and desire to learn about the Bible has grown. Yes I had my slump I mentioned, but my overall knowledge of the Bible has grown since being here. Being surrounded by others whose knowledge of the Bible is so great has grown my desire to dig deeper. I have learned a lot about different topics like how to study the Bible, what true love is according to the Bible, and many other things that I had never really been taught before.

Lately God has really been teaching me about prayer. Through talks at youth group, scripture I have been reading, and talking with others God has really been showing me the need for prayer lately. He has been showing me how little my prayer life is right now and how small compared to what it could be.

God has been stretching and growing me so much and I cannot wait to see how he continues to with the next year and a half (who knows maybe more) here.

A Place to Call My Own

9 months, 4 moves, 5 different houses. One could say I have become an expert at packing. Thankfully I had moved a lot as a kid and have learned what are the essentials and nonessentials and tricks for getting as much as you can into a suitcase. From moving out of my college apartment, back home in Minocqua, the big move to Costa Rica, out of my Tico families house into my supervisors, and now finally into my own apartment. I now finally have a place of my own!!

The sense of unpacking and being able to truly unpack is amazing!! In college I would keep certain items in storage bins until I needed it for some reason. At home this summer there was no point in fully unpacking everything as it would either get packed back up for either Costa Rica or the storage room. In my Tico families house I did not have the room to fully unpack everything and while house sitting I did not want to fully unpack since I knew I would be moving in two months. Last night though as I was finishing unpacking in my apartment it was the greatest feeling ever!!

To be able to fully unpack, and not know the next time everything needs to be packed up again, is the greatest feeling ever!! I was able to take my toiletry items fully out of my travel bag for the first time (this is thanks to my bathroom being one of the rare ones in Costa Rica with counter space). I was able to fully unpack all of my clothes and not have any chilling in suitcases (this is also thanks to having a walk in closet. I do not know how I always get lucky and get blessed with the rooms with the big closets). The feeling of not needing my plastic three draw storage thing because I have a desk and nightstand in my room. All of it is amazing and a huge blessing!

All of theses feeling are allowing me to relax and settle in. I have a place of my own!

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P.S. The lovely lady in the one picture is my roommate Katie!!! She is attending language school right now as well and then will be heading to Peru with a team to plant a church. God has blessed me with her as my roommate right now and I could not be more grateful!

Trust & Confidence

Feliz Año Nuevo!! Happy New Year!!! With a new year for many come resolutions. For me I have never really gotten into making new year resolutions. My sister and I will make a bucket list of different things we want to do during that year. The past few years I have also picked a word to focus on for the year. Two years ago my word was worthy and this past year it was trust.

2015 I picked the word trust because I knew it would be a year with many changes and decisions and I would have to trust in God throughout it all. God gave me many different opportunities to grow my trust in Him from leadership roles at school, starting a new movement, a friend getting sick, and deciding what to do after graduation. I can say I grew a lot this past year in trusting and listening to God.

For 2016 I picked confidence to be my word for the year. One definition of confidence is “the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something,” trust is actually a synonym of confidence. I chose confidence as I am going to be starting full time ministry this year. With starting ministry I want to have confidence in God and that He will use me in amazing ways. Confidence that God will provide for me. Confidence that God will give me the knowledge I need. Confidence in Him! That is my goal for 2016.

“But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.” Jeremiah 17:7

New Seasons Beginning

Well we are slowly entering into the dry season, but right now is the coldest time of the year. Now I know in Wisconsin we are starting to get snow and it is starting to get cold, so it is nothing like that. The sad thing though is I have already adjusted here some. Today in class (the class that we are usually all falling asleep in because it is so hot in the room) we had to turn off all of the fans and close some windows because we were cold. As I am typing this I have a blanket wrapped around me. The temperature is like a perfect fall day and I am fine with it not getting any colder. I know I will not miss those freezing winter days.

Besides the actual seasons changing things in my life are changing as well. I have just over two weeks of language school left. After I finish this trimester I will be doing tutoring for one hour four days a week instead of classes in the morning. I feel like I have learned a lot of Spanish this trimester and have gotten to a point of needing to be practicing it more, which I will be able to do in tutoring. Tutoring will also allow me to switch into another new season, full time ministry.

Come January I will be doing full time ministry! I am super excited to be more involved with youth group as I have been itching to do more! The first month I will actually be on my own as the other two youth group leaders will be back in the states, so prays would  be much appreciated for God’s guidance for me on what to do that month. I cannot wait though to be able to spend more time with the students than just on Saturday nights and at bible study (and not have to worry about homework).

Finally, I am transitioning into living on my own. This season has already sort of begun as I have been house sitting for a family I go to school with this past week. Then tomorrow I move into my teammates house and will be staying there for two months as they are in the States. I am excited for this transition. I will be sharing more about my experience with a Tico family in my newsletter, so if you are not on my newsletter list and would want to be please let me know.

These are the new seasons of life I am entering. Here though are some pictures from this past month.


A Time Filled With Firsts!

Well I have been in Costa Rica for over a month now and it has been a time filled with many firsts.

  1. To start it is my first time ever in Costa Rica and I just love it!!
  2. One of the first weekends we went to the beach, so that was my first time in the Pacific Ocean.
  3. While at the beach I attempted to surf, which was a first. Also notice the attempted part. That day was really rough, so I did not get fully up, but I would like to point out that I got really close.
  4. I have eaten eggs for the first time. I know this may seem crazy and stupid, but I never had eggs for breakfast before and let’s just say we have them quite often here.
  5. I have had Yuqa for the first time. Yuqa is a vegetable here and I love it!!! One way my Tico (what you call Costa Rican’s here) mom makes it is by frying it sort of like french fries. Let’s just say I asked my Tico mom if I could eat it every day and she said sure, but that I would get fat.
  6. For food in general there have been many different fruits, vegetables, and other dishes that I have had for the first time that comes with the culture.
  7. I was able to experience another countries independence day for the first time. They started celebrating the night before with a paper lantern parade for the kids at the school and then parades in many different cities the next day. They also like to drive around and play drums at 5 in the morning on their independence day, so that was a nice wake up call.
  8. I went into a two story McDonald’s for the first time. Let’s just say that their McDonald’s is way nicer here and actually a really nice place to go study at.
  9. This past weekend I went to my first Tico family gathering. My Tico mom’s cousins were getting together. Let’s just say there is lots and lots and lots of food. I thought we had lots of food when my dad’s family gets together, but they put us to shame! They also had karaoke going on which was a hoot! You will have to go to my facebook to check out some of the videos.
  10. The most recent first I had was I experienced my first earthquake. We were in our last class and all of sudden you just heard this rumble and everything started shaking. It only last a few seconds and when we asked our teacher what it was she said nothing and kept on teaching. There was no damage or anything, but now I can say I have experienced an earthquake.

These are just some of the many first I have already experienced and I know there will be plenty of more to come.

This Little Light of Mine

There is a video that I have watched many times, but every time I watch it the number still shock me. I watched this video and was reflecting on it and what it all means. Even if you have seen this video  take a few minutes and watch it.

This video and song is such a huge reminder to me about the light we have. As people who believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and accept him as our personal Lord and Savior we are now lights. We are lights in a very dark world.

The thing is though we need to let that light shine! We are called to be missionaries! Now some of you may be quickly saying here, “Jaci just because you have moved to Costa Rica and doing mission work there does not mean we all have to,” and that is true. To be a missionary does not mean that you need to move overseas. To be a missionary does not even mean you have to work for some Christian organization.

This summer on a youth group trip, with my church, some of us were talking about what it looks like to be a light and serving God. We were saying how for me, Jaci, right now it is to be in Costa Rica, for one of the guys it was to serve at the college he was attending, and for another guy it was at his job he had. Being a missionary means so many different things. We to often put it with serving overseas or working for some mission organization, but really anyone who is serving God is a missionary. We are all missionaries whether it is overseas, with a mission organization, at our job, at school, in our community, or in our own home. We are all missionaries and we all have a light to shine.

I know the video is a little old and the numbers are different now, but the facts are still there. I am sure right now you could easily list five people who you interact frequently with that you do not know if they have accepted Christ into their life. That is your mission field right there! We are all called to let our lights shine.

“Missions exist because worship does not.” -John Piper